21cc Fireworks New Effects From China 2013

Every year, members of the 21cc Fireworks team make a trip to the firework factories that make our products and equipment out in China. There are 2 main purposes of our trips there. 1. To search out new products and effects for the coming season for our clients, 2. To check on quality control of the product by visiting the factories and testing the fireworks.

21cc Group china

One of the key criteria is to ensuring there is consistency of product. Are the bursts from a multiple shot unit achieving consistent height? Are the colours and the shape of the burst well defined? Is the timing between bursts regular? These are some of the different things that the 21cc Fireworks team look for in our professional fireworks. Before we went to China, the 21cc Fireworks display team had put together a number of different designs for new effects. The prototypes of some of these new designs were tested whilst we were there. Some of the new effects were spectacular. The Chinese are wonderful people. They are very hospitable people – and like the 21cc Fireworks team, they love their food! Meal times in China are a big deal and a time when everyone comes together to eat and to enjoy company. You never really know what you might be eating at times, but that is part of the attraction. With us being in the Hunan Province, all of the food is spicy – even breakfast can be spicy! We cannot wait to show our range of new effects and designs to our clients here in the UK.�The first delivery of stock from China will be arriving here at the 21cc Fireworks base in Edinburgh some time in the middle of May.

21cc Group china

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